Smart financing with Eurocard & Capcito

Eurocard, together with Capcito, offers smart financing to companies, with no hidden fees or lock-ins. As an Eurocard customer you now get a discount on your interest fee at Capcito.

Get a free offer

By proceeding to the next step you accept our terms and approve us sharing your contact details with Eurocard our partner.

How it works

Smart financing with Capcito och Eurocard

Get an offer right away

Get a free offer by answering a couple of quick questions about your company. If you connect your business system, you can get an even better offer.

Apply online

We analyze your sales to give you an instant offer, regardless of whether you need a cash injection today or long-term credit. If you want to proceed, applying online is easy.

Get paid within 24 hours

When an application is approved, we pay out right away. In most cases, that means money in your account as soon as the same day.

Three ways of financing your business

Most popular

Invoice discounting

0,7-3,4% per 30 days

Put your invoices to work and get an open credit line that continually adapts to your sales. Borrow now and then or all the time, you only pay for what you use.

  • Open line of credit
  • Combine with business loan
  • Minimal administration
  • No hidden fees
Business Loan


Låna upp till 48 månader

Ett företagslån helt utan dolda avgifter och krångliga villkor. Ni bestämmer lånebelopp i ansökan och kan justera löptiden under tiden ni lånar.

  • Pengarna direkt
  • Betala av när du vill
  • Inga dolda avgifter


Sell one or more invoices and get paid up to 99% of their value right away. Avoid the hassle of waiting to get paid and sending reminders whilst minimizing your credit risk.

  • Get paid right away
  • We take over sendouts and reminders
  • Sell one or several invoices
  • No hidden fees

Vanliga frågor om Capcito

Varför samarbetar MyGizmo och Capcito?
Hur kan Capcito hjälpa vårt företag?
Hur mycket kan vi låna?
Vad krävs för att kunna låna?
Vad kostar det?
Hur får vi en gratis offert?
Hur ansöker vi?
När får vi besked?
När betalas pengarna ut?
Gör ni en UC vid ansökan?
Varför ska vi välja just Capcito och inte någon annan?
Kan vi lita på Capcito?
Vilka tjänster har Capcito?
Vad är fördelarna med att koppla ett affärssystem mot Capcito?
Var hittar jag alla villkor?